September 15, 2016 Overall, Sarbanes-Oxley is Good for U.S. Competitiveness→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz
September 15, 2016 The Dangers of "Investor Protection" in Securities Markets→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz
September 15, 2016 Nondiscrimination or Deregulation: A U.S.-E.U. Comparison→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz NONDISCRIMINATION OR DEREGULATION:A U.S.-E.U. COMPARISONDOUGLAS W. KMIEC*
September 15, 2016 Flipping the Act of State Presumption: Protecting America's International Investors from Foreign Nationalization Programs→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz
September 15, 2016 Consideration as Contract: A Secular Natural Law of Contracts→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz
September 15, 2016 U.N.'s Larger Role in UNCLOS is Bad for American Interests→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz
September 15, 2016 The Historical and Legal Norms Governing the Detention of Suspected Terrorists and the Risks Posed by Recent Efforts to Depart from Them→ September 15, 2016/ Aaron Reitz